miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

Class Feedback

What I like of the class what doing different projects like the one of architecture, but what I really like were the visit of the people that were already working or the students that almost finish their career. I also like to have a blog and send the home works through this application.
The thing that I didn't like was doing the case, or the fact that the class was in the morning. I didn't like the part of the semester about the circuits.
But at the end I like very much the class and learn some interesting and fun things. Thanks for the class teacher, keep going like that.

domingo, 18 de abril de 2010


Presentation Feedback

Industrial Design
The first presentation we had was about the career of industrial design. A 6th or 7th student of the career come and explain us something about this major. He told us that for this career you don’t exactly need to know how to draw, because you will learn how and also how to paint. This career is very extensive because in doesn’t focus only in the designing of certain products, actually he show us his past works and it goes from the design of a chair until the design of a car. This major is very important because people will always is going to want different things and these professionals are going to be able to satisfy their demands. For me this career seems quite interesting and really fun.

The next presentation we had was about the architecture major. Like the last one, another student came and gave us the class. This major I already knew more or less what it was about, but this guy show me some quite interesting things. He show us that almost at the end of this career you need to choose between 4 different sub-specialties, each of them are different but needed, when you need to build a house. He show us a program that now a day they use to develop 3D blue prints, in order to present like a more realistic version of the final product. I like that they also use other software’s to give a better presentation, also that the school teach classes to take care about the environment. Finally he show us how they work in real life, when he told us that his project was to search and made a research about a pour community and develop a plan to improve their life style. I really like this career, but I think it could be even more interesting to be a civil engineering, because it’s more like a challenge.

The last presentation that some one gave us was about systems. This one a true professor gave us the class, he is like the manager of the PIT2. This was the weirdest presentation because the teacher used a lot of systems language that I didn’t get it and also the presentation was really fast. Even though of those problems it was really interesting, he showed us how our credentials work, or how they put us WIFI. He tells us some tricks of how to improve the security of our internet and that is better to be connected by a cable. He told us how internet works, which to me is very important because that is the thing which we live with and use it many times, so it’s important to at least to know how it works. I like the number he tell us about how expensive it was to put the credentials system. This presentation leaves me really interested about the theme.

This presentation about how 3D works was really interesting. I like to see all the elements involved in the creation of a 3D image or animation, like the stage or graphics or the special glasses you need to use to see the images. All the improvements that can be made to the house were amazing, like the use of the robots and computers to improve its efficiency and have a better life. This presentation taught me a lot of things.

Design of spaces
This presentation show a lot of different definitions used in the creation of spaces or furniture, along its elements. It also shows some history about the architecture and some of its most renamed architects. It talks about how to create a fresh design of furniture that is useful and could be adapted to the space around it. The presentation also shows about the process to optimization. I like the minimalist images of the .ppt presentation.

This presentation was about the robots, Image Analysis, and intelligent systems and artificial intelligence. The robot part was about: What is a robot, benefits, design and pats, mechanics, types of sensors and control system. Image analysis was about: How it works and what wants to achieve, and finally the intelligent systems and artificial intelligence explained what is each thing and its requirements. This presentation was very rich in information.

domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010


Want to study something about design?
What I want to study is more or less related to design. I want to study bio-technology so I have to change some tings in the DNA or maybe design and create a certain type of protein to obtain a cure. So I do want to study something that is related to design, but my career doesn’t use the normal definition of design, but at the end I have to design to create what I need for my jobs.

5 areas where I could design in my life
1: Medicine
2: Biology
3: Chemistry
4: Car industry
5: Software for production line

Flying skate board
Analysis: I will design a skate boar, that won’t need tires to move. This board will be floating in the air like 10 cm and won’t need carbon fuel.
Research: This board will have the normal shape of a board. This board is going to be able to float thanks to special magnetic discs that are going to be at the bottom of the board. These magnetic discs are going to be the same charge like the earth, this will make that the boar could elevate from the ground, like in the movie angels and demons, and they use this to keep the antimatter suspended with out touching the matter. Also this board is going to use solar energy to give the board some speed. The board will be ecological because it won’t pollute the earth.
Specification: This board will require a lot of money and time to be created, because this technology is only used in highly developed labs, but already the technology exists, so it’s only to fuse these ideas, but once its finished maybe this technology could be used to make the cars float too. The materials will be the solar panels, the magnetic discs and the structure of the board. This product will be very demanded so we will need a huge quantity of this product, and later a lot of money will be obtained for the sale of this board.
Problem Solving: The problems with this product will be how to successfully make the magnetic discs float with out having problems on any surface. Also we would need to check the controls of direction and speed in the board to be very precise. We would also need to seal the board, in order to avoid that water or dust get inside and damage the board.
Presentation: Then we will present the model to the corporation that will create the board. In this presentation we will show more or less how the product is going to be and the way is going to be used, also we will show the investors what could be some of the problems and how we think we can solve these problems.
Design brief:
Then we will writte a document for a design project developed in concert by a person representing the business need for design and the designer. Here we will enlist the Title page, Table of contents, Company Profile, Problem Statement, Goals, Solution Analysis and Synopsis of our product. This is to see everything that the product represents, then we will put a patente to our product in order to avoid that someone steal our idea.

viernes, 19 de febrero de 2010

miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2010

Changes in magazine

Magazine: National Geographic, Humanos Biónicos

1: I will change the colors of the title of National Geographic en Español, because its like gray and the bachground is black, so sometimes you aren´t able to see that is a national geographic magazine.
2: Also the code bar in the front part of the cover I will put it in the bach part of the magazine, to give the magazine more aesthetics.
3: I will put a small index in the in the cover. This will help the customers to see what they are buying.
4: The web page needs to be bigger.
5: Add more pictures.
6: Put the price in the cover

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010

Technology at Work

Ricardo González Delgado

Name and age

Job name and description

What are the different electronic devices you use at work?

What do you use them for?

Name of the software you use?

What do you use that software for?

-Saul Delgado Ayllon-80

-Pathologist: In this work they study the cells of a certain organ and tell a diagnosis about the health of a person.

-An Electrical Microscope and the computer

-The Electrical Microscope is used to watch the cells at a microscopic level. The computer is used to write the diagnosis, have a list of the patients, communicate with other pathologist and send photos of the organs

-Diagnosticos, photoshop, and Hotmail

-Diagnosticos: Is a page with a special format where the Dr. writes the diagnosis. In Photoshop the Dr. edits images from the organs to look clean and clear. The images or the diagnosis are send via hotmail to other doctors.

-Myriam Delgado Morales-47

-Pathologist: In this work they study the cells of a certain organ and tell a diagnosis about the health of a person.

-An Electrical Microscope and the computer

-The Electrical Microscope is used to watch the cells at a microscopic level. The computer is used to write the diagnosis, have a list of the patients, communicate with other pathologist and send photos of the organs


-Excel is used to create the diagnosis that are given to the patients

-Paola Arenas González-25

-Teacher: She teach primary students


-The computer is used to take the attendance of the students, show presentations, have a list of the grades and send news to the parents

-Excel, Power Point and Hotmail

- In Excel they made the list for the students with their respecting grades. The teacher in power point gives sometimes a class. Hotmail is used to warn the parents about their kids or about the school

-Liliana Medina Flores-36

-Secretary: She works in an enterprise, she is the one in charge of asking the fabric for the materials the costumers buy and have a list of the clients, prices and orders

-Computer and cell phone

-The computer is to have a file of the customers, products prices. The cell phone is to contact the fabric and send mails.

-Excel and Special software

-The special software is to make the orders to the factory and the sheet the clients need had in for the deliver. Excel is to make lists.

-David Martinez Pinto- 29

-He is a designer for slogans and commercials


-The computer is to make all the logos, slogans and commercials

-Many specialized programs

-Al the programs needed to create the images and videos

jueves, 28 de enero de 2010

Magazine: Bionic Humans

The article I choose to read is about bionic humans. This article is about the things that the humans have been able to do in the last years with the help of the technology and the deeper understand of the human body. This technology is still developing because they haven’t fully able to reproduce the functions or movements of a normal limb. This technology is trying to connect the nerves and the brain of a person to a prosthesis, even if some one lost something, the nerves still there so they try to connect the cables with the nerves. Even though this technology is not fully developed, a lot of good advances have been achieved. This type of engineering is really awesome and I like it a lot, but still I don’t want to study this type of engineering, I prefer Bio-technology.

miércoles, 27 de enero de 2010

A robot in my house

I would like to have a robot in my house that was able to make the breakfast all the mornings. This robot will cook some of the common food, like eggs, hot cakes, waffles, etc..., this will save me a lot on time because some times in the morning I would like to eat something delicious but some times I don´t have enough time and the ability to do it by myself. So this robot will save me time and will feed me with really delicious food.

lunes, 25 de enero de 2010

Industrial robots videos

Adept quattro High-speed packaging-adept technology inc.flv

FANUC M-410iB, M.10iA construction products-FANUC robotics industrial automation.flv

Robots take over.flv

sábado, 23 de enero de 2010

Other Lean Manufacturing topics

Six Sigma
Six Sigma at many organizations simply means a measure of quality that strives for near perfection. Six Sigma seeks to improve the quality of process outputs by identifying and removing the causes of defects and minimizing variability in manufacturing and business processes. Six sigma methods integrate principles of business, statistics and engineering to achieve tangible results.

Just in time (JIT)
It’s a strategy that strives to improve a business's return on investment by reducing in-process inventory and associated carrying costs. The process relies on signals or Kanban. This works like ask what you want and I give to you when you need it. In this process they don’t store everything they ask for what they need.

Is defined as a change for the better or continuous improvement. Its main objective is to reduce the times of the set up, with the purpose to reduce death times and the size of the orders. Also know as SMED It is associated with different aspects: eliminating wastes, improving efficiencies, processes and moral. You must standardize, then make improvements, change, then standardize and measure again.

Poka Yokes
Is a system against errors or fool proving, because it looks for the way that there is only one way o doing the things, so that there’s made always in the right way. Its purpose is to eliminate product defects by preventing, correcting, or drawing attention to human errors as they occur.

5 Why’s
The Five Whys is a simple process to follow to solve any problem. It starts with writing or having an effective problem statement. Problem statements determine the direction we head next. Problem statements should describe the current condition, use data where possible, and describe the gap in performance. You should avoid describing the solution, postulate as to the expected cause, be vague or ambiguous or combine multiple problems into one.

Takt Time
Takt Time is the pace of production (e.g. manufacturing one piece every 34 seconds) that aligns production with customer demand. In other words, it is how fast you need to manufacture product in order to fill your customer orders. Its calculate as: Total available production time divided by the customer & requirement.

viernes, 22 de enero de 2010

What is Kanban

The Kankan is a method of just in time lean manufacturing. An employee come to the store and visually select items and see what they need. An electronic signal goes to the store´s regional warehouse detailing which items they need. The warehouse prepares a daily replenishment of the materials needed for the production in series. With this method there could always be a product and no money will be lost, because of the lack of a product in the shelf .

Lean Manufacturing: 5s Technique


While cleaning Enrique's room, we applied the lean 5s technique. This helped us to be more efficient and clean the room in less time. In the following lines, we include a description of the first three steps.

We divided the room in parts, so that each person was responsible to clean an specific place. Communication between the team was really useful in cleaning the room.

Set in order:
We arranged the material so that they were the most accesible as possible, and throw stuff that we do not needed. We placed each material where it needed to be (at the shelves, desk, etc.).

Then we cleaned the floor and throw the trash so that accidents won't occur. Finally, we used specific cleaning products, like the vacuum cleaner and wood polisher, so the room would be really neat.

Now Enrique's room is safe and clean.

Team members: (Cecy Martínez, Ricardo González, Enrique Hernández, Luis Raúl Granillo, Miguel Avila)

lunes, 18 de enero de 2010

Safety Improvements

On a visit to Alsuper Store, we encountered with different safety measures that are already good. Nevertheless, we think that the company can still make some improvements.

Workers use safety clothing and tools
Machinery in good conditions (service lift)
Signals for wet floors
Clean environment
Signals for places where entrance is forbidden.
Speakers, so people can notice if something happens.

Possible Improvements
More evacuation routes.
Fire extinguishers.
Signs for orders to follow if an emergency occurs.
Ovens should be placed inside a separate room of the store. (if an explosion occurs, less people
will be damaged)
More hoses in case of fire

(Due to security measures, we weren't able to take photos inside the store)
Team members: Cecy Martínez, Enrique Hernández, Luis Raúl Granillo, Miguel Avila, Ricardo González.

What is industrial engineering?

The industrial engineering is the engineering in charge of the development, improvement, implementation and evaluation of systems such as people, money, energy, material, etc... The industrial engineerings work in designing new prototypes for improving the efficiency of the industry and to save money, energy and resources. The industrial engineerings need to have abilities such as engineering analysis and synthesis, mathematics, physical and social science, etc... Industrial engineering is also known as operations management, management science, systems engineering, or manufacturing engineering.

What is a production line?

A production line is a set of sequential operations established in a factory whereby materials are put through a refining process to produce an end-product that is suitable for onward consumption.

What is the objective of a production line?

The objective of a product line is to make a product by dividing it in sectors. In the factories you specialize the workers to work in a certain part and made it with a better quality, by dividing the work and working in line you can make products very fast and with good quality, with this form of work the companies are able to produce more products.

miércoles, 13 de enero de 2010

What I want to study

I would like to study Biotechnology Engineering. The reason I would like to study this career, because this type of engineering focus in the molecular part of the body, like the ADN, the molecules or some traits in the chains of proteins in order to create a certain type of hair color ,etc... I like this carer because the abilities that you need like math, physics, chemistry, biology and those are the tasks that I like in the school, also this career has a lot of future because we are going to need this career a lot in the future in order to cure certain type of sicknesses. I would like to achieve a nobel for creating a certain vaccine for the virus or something like that. There are many fields where I could work like with humans, plants, environment etc..., because these career can be involved in a lot of different things.